collective brainstorm
the danger of a single story
Body representation
the black body, often portrayed as a weak, sick, victimized body in need of help

Click here for article of the representation of arficans and the consequences
the most popular show for children in the netherlands, Kinderen Voor Kinderen sings (translated)
'' a child underneath the equater is often just a beggar ''
what does that teach our children
'The codes of gender' written bij Erving Goffman
Click here
I followed this morning (21.04.2020) a lecture by Sut Jhally and he talks about gender codes. This is het first class and I want to follow all of them. This moring he talked about the 'code' we read when we look to woman in advertisment. He calls this the prove of teached behavor of gender roles. The link for the lecture can be found in the page when you click on the link above.
I made a brainstorm to get a general idea what body representation means to me
I like the idea how you are investigating body representation in relation to gender and gender roles and I'm more leaning towards skin colour/stereotypes/stigma/culture. I think there are a lot of intersections between these subjects!
the codes thing sounds interesting, I'm wondering who 'writes' these codes and who reads them, do different people read them differently?
my niece (brown skin, afro hair) is an actrice and for television jobs, she always gets casted for the same roles. like if we (the audience/makers) always want certain people to represent the same roles, why are we so afraid of breaking those walls?

this KIRAC episode talks about what wronf intentions an artist can have by casting certain 'types' you have in mind, and how that's harmful
21.04 we gave words to our common interest: biological differences (gender/race/ability/what ever we discover?) in relation to representation and codes
Dutch artist Tinkebell transformed non-human bodies to make them more human by putting decorations on snails. Abusive or not, her work is provocative and immediately changed our perspective of the snails and how we treat them. Snails are killed deliberately by dozens in our gardens but we feel the need to 'save' them now that we can recognize their bodies.
return to start
one of the most painful dutch words is ''excuse-n*****''
it is used when people have the feeling the representation of a black person (be it anywhere) is an excuse to appear ''cultured'' or diverse. I think there is an english word as well, tokenism.
intersections in autism
lecture about pornography and representation 'the limits of porn are the limits of what the body can take' 'to be masculine is linked to the consumption of pornography'
About the prove of the gender roles, you can find the prove in advertisement
23.04 we decided we can't leave religion out of this picture, so we decided to include it and reformulate our subject into the representation of bodies in relation to factors that are imposed at birth
body maps
I asked my friends to draw a bodymap of their own body, click on this to find the page where I collected them.
Sketches and ideas on the map
My walk trough our self-representaion map
We came to the idea to design a town. I this town you can walk around and choose your self-representation. Sharan and I want to take you on our walk trough this town.

Hi, welcome to this town. It’s not a normal town, but the town of your body. Here you can buy the way to represent yourself and look in museum how are people to that. You start naked on this earth, so you will start naked in this town. Completely naked, no hair, no clothes, no make-up. The road is the way you move, so please choose, you can take anything you want, a cool car, a lowrider bike. I choose my legs to walk, because they work and I don’t want to mis a this that’s happening. The first thing I want to do is buying clothes, because I feel strange not to wear them. I will choose something neutral, a plain white t-shirt, not tight on my body and a high waist straight jeans. The colour is black. Later I will have a look how other people do that in the museums witch are in the same street. Next thing I want to do is to go to the hair-shop to buy some hair. Their are so many different styles of hair. I choose the brown-one, the half long one. Later I will style it, maybe get some highlights, and cut it shorter. Next to the hair-shop there is the eyebrow style machine. You click on the screen and select the eyebrows you want. The machine can tattoo, epilate, colour eyebrows. I choose no to color, but epilate my eyebrows. The machine removes the hairs in between my eyebrows and some lost hairs under my eyebrows. The weather in this town is very good, but I want to wear some shoes. I walk the way back to a store near by the clothing store to buy first some socks. Before I choose the kind of socks I want to wear I need to choose what kind of shoes I want to wear. I want to choose pink sneakers, that means I choose white short socks. They will be visible, just a little bit above my shoes. From the sock-store you can walk directly to the shoe-store. I see directly my pink sneakers and get them out of the box. I need to pay for the sneakers, and in this town, you pay with the currency time. The more exclusive the clothing or shoes you buy, the more time it cost. So now I have shoes, clothing, hair and my eyebrows done.. what can I do next? I look at my right and see a lower legs on a big advertisement. I can do my legs! The bestseller is a shaved leg, a little tan, smooth and soft. Then you have the feminist way of wearing legs, with hair and not done. Those are free. There are muscled legs, skinny legs, fat legs brown legs but in every sub hub I look, there is an other lower-leg a bestseller. I decide to save some time and get the feminist legs. The museums in this old town are full of new technology and see what you buy, eat, drink and where you have been. They adjust in the things you love and would like to see. There is a history museum, a fashion museum, a animal museum and much more. Now, I’m quite hungry and I want something to eat. I bump in to a t split and can go to the right, healthy food, but cost me more time ore to the left, unhealthy food, but it’s much cheaper. There are some local shops in the middle but I go to the right, healthy food and cook myself. After dinner It’s quite late but I want to go to the gym. The gym makes me feel good and look good as well. When I look at the map of this town you find in the center a city hall, where you can get you identity card. The bank for the money and behind here you can find the museums. Behind the museums there are plenty of options to go to and create your own representation.
Sharan's way of experiencing the imagined map

The landscape of my body is empty without my hair,I try on what fits my ideals, culture and image I want the world to see, so it can see where I come from and what kind of person I am. Clothing will by my next pick t orepresent the creativity, freedom and colour I want to see in life and my soul. Forget the shoes, I’ll walk barefoot on the grass and concrete. When the people of the town, who act as mirrors are going to see me I want them to feel cal mand free as well. On my way I’ll grab a pair of earrings and a small amount of makeup to emphasize my feminine side and make me feel a bit prettier. In the center of the town there is a lake/park that acts as a portal through time and I hear echoes of the past; my father is telling me to wear a dress, my sister is preventing me to wear makeup when I was too young and cheering when my breasts were starting to develop, classmates telling my that my face and hair are ugly. The struggle I had as a young person with femininity and prettiness is now over I realise.
I really love that the Efteling has a seperate map for people with disabilities
body maps research