not concious of own body and of others
im not aware of the things that are presented to me
i can recognise things that are represented to me (girly, pretty) and choose wheter I see myself or want to change myself into the opppostite (storng, boyish)
in this mirror I see artists and dolls that I like, fierce, pretty or not, with their own expression ore style. Hair and clothing becomes important to me
i now can choose who represents my body, body positivity, hair positivity, can choose my own clothing and hairstyles
the mirror now exists of people close to me who inspire me, people on the internet I desire somehow
this mirror is presented to me
the mirror in which I can choose and filter what it presents to me
The image of our bodies is one of the outside: the things that grow out of it, are attached to it and the shape it takes. This image also comes from the outside.

In this map we mapped the state of a body, as seen by the closed line, and how it’s influenced and made concious by imposed ideas from the outside, the dotted lines outside of the body and the brain illustrate that. Hairs, growing out, wearing them, styling them and also shaving them and cutting them of are a statement about how you feel about your body and how the world can view it. Breasts can grow and stop growing, not a problem fort he body but it can be a huge problem for your image of your body and you may try to hide or modify them.

Markings on the body can be temporary like acne and permanent like scars: they van give you ideas of health and also attractiveness. Having acne after puberty can give you the idea your body isn’t working the way it should, for example.
My Body, covered in clothing. Little me holding my breast up, because that was important, back in the days. My bodyhair where I should feel asamed of is a big part of my body representation
we asked others to design a body map as well in which they could implement the representation of their own bodies